What Are You Reading? Inquiring Minds Want to Know

In the interest of giving all of you the floor to talk about books, I'd like to know what you all are reading and what you think of it (anything counts, from articles to audiobooks).

I am currently smack dab in the middle of the following:

  • Down the Mysterly River by Bill Willingham (and Mark Buckingham)
    • Loving it!
  • The Uncertain Places by Lisa Goldstein
    • Interesting, but I need to get deeper before I can make a valid judgment.
  • Gateways edited by Elizabeth Anne Hull
    • Some really smart stories in here!
  • Future Media edited by Rick Wilbur
    • Just started!
  • When the Great Days Come by Gardner Dozois
    • So far:  loving it!
  • Imperial Eyes:  Travel Writing and Transculturation by Louise Pratt
    • Just started!  But I've read it before, and it's an interesting text.
  • Maps of Englishness by Simon Gikandi
    • Just started!
  • The English in the West Indies by Froude (can't remember the the first name)
    • Just started!
  • The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader
    • Just started!
  • The New Negro:  Voices of the Harlem Renaissance
    • Just started!
I also finished a few short stories by Mary Robinette Kowal ("Clockwork Chickadee" and For Want of a Nail -- the latter won the Hugo and is quite good).  And yes, I realize that is a lot of reading.  I'm a grad student.  So sue me...

So what are you reading?

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