Classtime: Your Genre Recommendations

Originally posted on Google+, but equally relevant here:

Need recommendations from you all. I'm teaching a course called Writing About Postcolonialism and Genre Fiction and I want to couple the postco genre text with a short, representative example of the literary tradition in a particular genre. So, I'm asking you for your recommendations and opinions. I've got a lot of things in mind, but I haven't read everything and it's possible there's a perfect story that I don't know about...which you have read.

This is what I'm looking for (short fiction, novelettes, novellas, but no novels if possible):

  • Golden Age or Pulp Era Space Opera (the high octane kind of stuff that best represents SF of the period) 
  • Medical Thriller 
  • General Thriller 
  • Crime or Detective Mystery 
  • Fairytale (perhaps a specific Western tradition, or specific tales) 
  • Dystopia 
  • Noir 

Right now, I'm considering things like Smith's Lensman Series, Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Shorts, some of Poul Anderson's shorts, and selections from Grimm's fairytales (among other things).

That's a lot of genres, I know. I just want to saturate my head with as many possibilities so I can find the perfect combo for this class. Crowd sourcing literature classes FTW!

(A quick clarification: I'm not looking for contemporary examples, as much of the texts I'm using on the postco side are from the last 40ish years. I want to show how they arise from a solid literary genre tradition, if that makes sense.)


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