2011 Holiday Logo Design Contest!

If the title doesn't entice you, then maybe this will:

The lovely folks at ooShirts, a Bay Area independent shirt company, has offered a few t-shirts to us for The World in the Satin Bag and The Skiffy and Fanty Show.  Rather than shoving our logos on the shirts and enjoying them by ourselves, we thought we'd give folks a shot at a t-shirt of their own!

Here's how it will work:
We want a new logo design for The World in the Satin Bag and The Skiffy and Fanty Show that reflects the content or feel of the sites in some way.  Roughly translated, that means we have no clear rules whatsoever, in part because we are artistically handicapped.  The designs should look nice (obviously) and it should have something to do with the sites, but we are more interested in seeing what you come up with than bogging down the artistic process with rules and rigid desires.

These will break down into two contests:  one for The World in the Satin Bag and one for The Skiffy and Fanty Show.  And you can enter both.

What you get if you win:

  1. The two winning logos will receive a t-shirt with their winning logo on the front.
  2. Free books -- winners will receive a $10 gift certificate to their preferred online bookstore AND a choice of a selection of books to be announced later.
  3. A bio and thanks in the About sections of both sites (because you're awesome and we love you)
The Rules:
  • High quality images (so that we can adjust, shrink, and move the images without worrying about all those shrinkage issues)
  • Images must be submitted by 11:59 PM on January 8th, 2011 to skiffyandfanty[at]gmail[dot]com.  The winner will be announced the following week.
  • Original work only.
  • By submitting your images to this contest, you are not giving us ownership of your stuff.  You grant us the right to show the logo and use it on our website and materials we purchase only for ourselves (i.e., business cards, shirts for us to wear at conventions, etc., but not stuff we buy for friends and the like).  Any sale of your logo by us will have to be agreed upon at another time.  If you want to donate the logo(s) to us, that would be awesome, but we're not in the business of taking work from people without compensation unless they've offered it.  Should we become interested in selling the shirts with your logo, we'll contact you to talk about royalties.
A little about ooShirts:
While I'd love to reproduce their story here, I think you'd better read it for yourself.  They've got a great story behind them, and a great company philosophy.  We wish them the best of success (not because they're a Cali company, because we're totally not that biased...).

Have it it, logo designers!

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