Genre Walking 2012: Results from 2011 and the New Goal

You remember that walking/jogging pledge I made with Jason Sanford and other authors?  It's on again.  If you want to walk with me, all you have to do is enter your miles do the form located here.

As for last year's results:  I got a little lazy in recording my miles, but I'm pretty sure I met my 200-mile goal, or thereabouts.  The last month or two of the semester were so busy that I didn't get as much walking done as I wanted to.  But that's okay.  2012 is a new year, right?

That brings my to this year's pledge!

I will not only walk 300 miles this year (an easy enough goal, I think), but I am also going to lose 25 lbs. at the minimum.  I will weigh myself tomorrow so you all know where I'm starting from.

The more of you who join and urge me on, the better.  You should set your goals too.  Blog about it and put a link in the comments.  I'll add it to this post!

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