New Year's Resolutions

Well, it's that time of year again.  You know, when we look back at all the resolutions we made last year and slap ourselves for failing so miserably?  Yeah.  Not that I can remember what my 2012 resolutions were...

But since it's officially 2013, and I feel like setting some goals for myself, I am going to make a few resolutions.  Here goes:

Writing and Reading
--Write (finish) a novel OR 25 short stories.  My output during 2012 was pretty pathetic, in part because of a lack of motivation, but mostly because I worked insanely hard to create a financial buffer for 2013.  This year is going to be a writing year.
--Read at least 100 books (or the equivalent in some other written medium).  This should be easy enough, since there are 40 books on my PhD. reading list and 24 interview slots for The Skiffy and Fanty Show.  That leaves about 36 books I have to squeeze into the gaps.
--Write more reviews.

--Lose 30 lbs.  Period.
--Eat healthier and consume more vegetarian meals.  Woo!

--Spend less money and save more for summer.
--Pay my taxes as early as possible and like it.

I think that's a good enough list, no?

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