Top 10 Blog Posts for March (Or, Weirdness You People Like in a 30 Day Span)

And they are:

10.  The SF/F and Related Blogs You Read
9.  Adventures in...Cancer?:  If Only You'd Been Bad Asthma (Or, Leading Up to Diagnosis -- Part Two)
8.  Hugo Award:  What I Nominated
7.  Literary Explorations:  What the hell is a "strong female character"?
6.  Poll:  The Retro Nostalgia Film (#7)
5.  Death Star Economics and Ethics? (Or, What Would You DO With a Death Star?)
4.  Link of the Day:  Liz Bourke on (Male) Rape in Epic Fantasy
3.  Hugo Awards Finalists (Plus Preliminary Thoughts)
2.  Top 10 Overused Fantasy Cliches
1.  Top 10 Cats in Science Fiction and Fantasy

I'm not sure what to make of this mishmash of old and new.  Either certain posts of mind continue to have some kind of lasting impact or aliens have set up some kind of auto-refresher that changes IPs so I can feel special about a blog.  The latter makes no sense...

April should be equally interesting, methinks.

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