Around the Interwebs: An SFF Film Odyssey at Skiffy and Fanty + #WorldSFTour Fundraiser Updates

A couple things to let folks know about:

1) Remember when I said I would review or discuss every SF/F film released in 2010?  Well, the first post just went up, be because it's for a non-American film, it ended up on The Skiffy and Fanty Show blog:  "A (World) SFF Film Odyssey:  Mutant Girls Squad (2010) and Anime's Excesses."  Do go check it out when you get a chance.

I'm also going to start working on a post about Monsters (2010), which I'm going to review here, even though it clearly has an international scope in terms of its secondary characters and setting.

After that, I'll probably watch one of the animated children's flicks that came out that year.  Maybe Megamind (2010).

I'm also not sure where I'm going to compile all of this.  Maybe I'll just use the original post as a depository.  What do you think?

2) The fundraiser to bring the World SF Tour and The Skiffy and Fanty Show to Worldcon has received $115 in donations so far.  That's a good start, but I still need a lot of support for this.  If you've got $10 to spare and/or a willingness to share the heck out of this thing, I'd really appreciate it.

Also:  since we're at $115, that means the first milestone was reached.  I'm working on getting the topic for the Encyclopedia Confictura entry now; that will hopefully be up this week!

And that's that.  What have you all been up to?

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