Worldcon Fundraiser: Send the #WorldSFTour to London!

Folks on Twitter will have seen this already.  Over at The Skiffy and Fanty Show blog, I'm hosting a fundraiser to help bring the World SF Tour to Worldcon in London.  At last year's Worldcon, we interviewed quite a bunch of folks and released those episodes throughout 2013.  This year, we want to do the same thing, because London will contain a far more international audience, and I'd like to expand the reach of the tour as much as possible!

The fundraiser just started today.  You can support that fundraiser on this GoFundMe page.  As of this moment, we're nearly to the first milestone, which will mean a perk opens up.  And there are lots of other nifty S&F-related perks to become available as the donations rack up.  Other perks might be announced later.

If you're at all interested in World SF and want to see more content on S&F related to that theme, please support the fundraiser!

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